Pokédex entries This Pokémon was unavailable prior to Generation IV. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky: Mamoswine is the boss of Dark Ice Mountain in the Special Episode In the Future of Darkness.Pokémon X and Y: On Route 17, also known as Mamoswine Road, the player must ride a Mamoswine through the deep snow that separates Dendemille Town and Anistar City.In the TCG Main article: Mamoswine (TCG) Game data NPC appearances However, Hareta was able to feel the vibrations created by Mamoswine's charge, allowing him to locate and defeat it. It took down Regigigas with a single Take Down, then used Hail in combination with its Snow Cloak to dodge Empoleon's Hydro Pump. Koya has a Mamoswine was used in the battle against Hareta in Hearts and Spirits Collide. In Hawlucha Attacks, X and his friends rode on five Mamoswine while going through Kalos Route 17 to reach Anistar City, to meet Professor Sycamore at the Sundial. She gave him to Diamond without using him, as he reminded her of the boy. Prior to Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia I, Platinum was revealed to have caught a Mamoswine. Mamoswine in Pokémon Adventures Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl Main article: Dawn's Mamoswine As the temperature got hotter after the ice age, it is said many Mamoswine disappeared. Since the ice age, the Mamoswine population has gotten smaller as the climate has warmed. Distinguished by its large tusks, its weight is more than five times that of Piloswine, and is less commonly found since the end of the ice age. Mamoswine, the Twin Tusk Pokémon and the evolved form of Piloswine. Multiple Mamoswine appeared in Over the Mountain of Snow!, including two of them that were hired by Ash and his friends to take a shortcut on Route 17.Īlternate World Dawn's Mamoswine appeared in a flashback in The Gates of Warp!, devolving into Piloswine due to Dialga's influence.Ī Mamoswine appeared in a fantasy in A Dancing Debut!.Ī Mamoswine appeared in The Good, The Bad, and The Lucky!. In a flashback in Survival of the Striaton Gym!, Morana's Mamoswine battled and defeated Chili's Pansear. Multiple Mamoswine debuted in Giratina and the Sky Warrior, where they helped Regigigas stop a sliding glacier that endangered a nearby Gracidea garden and several towns and villages. Since then, Mamoswine became a reliable partner and was used in many Contest Battles. There was a time where Mamoswine would not listen to Dawn's commands, but it eventually realized how deeply she cared for it in Trials and Adulations! and started obeying her.
Mamoswine in the anime Major appearances Dawn's Mamoswineĭawn has a Mamoswine, which evolved from a Piloswine in A Breed Stampede!, which also marked the species' main series debut. Mamoswine is believed to have hidden potential that was awakened by the cold climate. Weavile is a natural predator of Mamoswine. Mamoswine inhabits cold places, such as mountainous regions and frozen tundra. Mamoswine lived all around the world during the last ice age, but its population thinned when the climate grew warmer. It can endure harsh cold and hunger for an almost indefinite amount of time, as indicated by a ten-thousand-year-old specimen reviving. Mamoswine's feet are black with three thick toes, and its tail is small. The fur on its muzzle is tan and shaggy, and its nose resembles that of a pig. Mamoswine has a blue mask-like pattern with a white rim around its face and eyes, resembling ski goggles. Its tusks, which are smaller on a female Mamoswine than on a male, are made of pure, solid ice. Its brown fur is very thick to endure harsh cold and protect from snow and ice. Mamoswine is a large, quadrupedal Pokémon resembling a wooly mammoth crossed with a boar. By transfer, only via prior evolution.5.7.6 By transfer from another generation.3.5 Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!.It evolves from Piloswine when leveled up while knowing Ancient Power. Mamoswine ( Japanese: マンムー Mammoo) is a dual-type Ice/ Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.